About me

Hi! I’m Francesca and I’m from Italy.

I’m in sales since I was really really young, but I opened this blog because traveling is my true passion.
Remember when as a child you dream something so intensely that it seemed so stupid at the end?
I dreamt traveling my whole life.

Is it because I was already in a caravan with my parents when I was 8 months old? It could be.

(Ah, God forbid it was one of the big and cool one! No way, it was one of those little ones. Not really the best for a claustrophobic like me.)


Like many people, I was taught to go to college, get a job, get married, have kids and live happily ever after.

Well, at some points I thought it was my way. I went to college and got a job at the same time. After graduating I also got married. And then?

Well, then everything changed. My life took a different turn.

Stop making excuses for why you can’t do epic shit and start making plans for how you can. –  cit. Annette White  (& me)

I left my hometown, started divorcing, moved to Zurich and got the chance to find my right person.

Despite still working in the sales, I decided to start a different journey: mine!

This blog tells of my short and long journeys.
It tells about my experiences with a four-legged friend always by my side.
It is a simple reportage of a simple girl who tries to cultivate the dream she has had since childhood: living a life on the go. Explore the world.


For this reason, to anyone who asks me where I come from, my answer is always the same: “I am a citizen of the world”.

Travelers never think they are the foreigners. –  cit. Mason Cooley (& me)